
The Flexibility Series (International)

From: Original price was: $125.00.Current price is: $100.00.

The Flexibility Series Posters may be purchased individually or buy as a set to get 20% off! There are two sizes available and you can mix and match if you like.

The Full Flexibility Series includes: 

  • What is Fascia? (Version 1 or 2)
  • Types of Stretching
  • The Dancers Slump
  • Thoracic Mobilisers
  • Hamstring Mobilisers

What is Fascia? Version 1 (The Flexibility Series)

Fascia is one of the most important organs in the human body, and understanding its complexity is essential to getting the most out of any type of flexibility training.

This poster explains:

  • What exactly is Fascia?
  • Training Fascia
  • Things you need to know
  • Mobilising Fascia

What is Fascia? - Version 2 (The Flexibility Series)

This second version of the original version was developed for those who would rather not have a bare abdomen on the wall for various reasons. It includes the same content as the original, just a different image.Fascia is one of the most important organs in the human body, and understanding its complexity is essential to getting the most out of any type of flexibility training. This poster explains:

  • What exactly is Fascia?
  • Training Fascia
  • Things you need to know
  • Mobilising Fascia

Types of Stretching (The Flexibility Series)

There are many different approaches to stretching and some are more beneficial than others at different points in your training. So making sure you are using the right style of flexibility training at the right time is essential. In this poster will discuss the following stretching modalities:

  • Static Stretching
  • Dynamic Stretching
  • Neural Glides
  • Fascial Mobilisers & Cupping
  • Sustained Fascial Creep
  • PNF Stretching

The Dancer's Slump (The Flexibility Series)

Restoring the ability of the nerves to slide down the back line of the body can rapidly restore mobility. In this posters you will learn to assess how your nerves are currently gliding, then a specific protocol to help offload any tension in both the upper and  lower body, before reassessing.


Thoracic Mobilisers (The Flexibility Series)

These thoracic mobilisers are a wonderful way to gently but effectively improve mobility in both the upper and lower body. In this poster you will learn six variations to this exercise for optimal mobility in all ranges of motion.

  • Upward Reaches
  • Forward Reach
  • The Octupus
  • Backward Reach
  • Spartacus
  • Jar on the Shelf

Hamstring Mobilisers (The Flexibility Series)

These mobilisers are designed to increase hydration in all the tissues that surround the hamstrings. In this poster you will learn six variations to this exercise for optimal mobility in all ranges of motion.

As dance educators it is imperative to help your students understand the anatomy of the dancer’s body. With this in mind we have created a series of A3 posters designed to be displayed in your studio, to make it easy to understand and explain the anatomy behind the movement. With clear anatomical images and descriptions of covering areas of interest, along with analysis of common dance injures, they are an essential tool for training intelligent dancers.

The posters in The Flexibility Series can be bought individually or as a set. The full series includes:

  • What is Fascia? Version 1: Fascia is one of the most important organs in the human body, and understanding its complexity is essential to getting the most out of any type of flexibility training.
  • What is Fascia? Version 2: This second version of the original version was developed for those who would rather not have a bare abdomen on the wall for various reasons. It includes the same content as the original, just a different image. Please choose just one option when purchasing the set.
  • Types of Stretching: There are many different approaches to stretching and some are more beneficial than others at different points in your training. Make sure you are using the right style of flexibility training at the right time for best results.
  • The Dancers’s Slump: Restoring the ability of the nerves to slide down the back line of the body can rapidly restore mobility. Make sure to clear any points of tension along the line first to allow optimal sliding of the nerves.
  • Thoracic Mobilisers: These thoracic mobilisers are a wonderful way to gently but effectively improve mobility in both the upper and lower body. Try doing a spinal roll down before and after this sequence to assess its effectiveness.
  • Hamstring Mobilisers: these mobilisers are designed to increase hydration in all the tissues that surround the hamstrings. Make sure that any tension is felt around the back of the thigh, rather than into the calf. If there is any sharpness or a tingling sensation, it may be a neural restriction rather than a fascial pull.




If you are a dance teacher or health professional and would like to delve deeper into this topic CLICK HERE. 


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