Will I Ever Dance Again?


The “Will I Ever Dance Again?” program is perfect for any dancer who is unable to train at full capacity, whether this is due to a foot injury, surgery, an accident or illness outside of the studio. It helps you build back to full capacity gradually, while maintaining strength, flexibility and control in the rest of the body.

There are several options available to allow everyone to get access to this fantastic program!

  1. Online Version – This version includes the ebook of the program and access to the Online Members Area.  This fantastic resource gives you full online access to all of the video content, and so much more. This option must be purchased through The Ballet Blog on this page.
  2. Hard Copy Book – This is a convenient way to access the program day to day and is a wonderful illustrated guide with all of the detailed instructions for each exercise. This option must be purchased through Amazon. CLICK HERE to order.


Will I Ever Dance Again

Most dancers will utter these words at least once during their career… It’s often the first thought when you go over on your ankle, when you crumple to the floor with excruciating pain in your knee, or when the doctor tells you that you need to have an operation. And many dancers don’t ever dance again. Not because they can’t, but because they lose so much condition while being out due to injury, that their return to dance is plagued with even more injury, and it all becomes just too hard. Giving up what you love, what you live for, or what you feel you were born to do is something that no one should ever have to face.

But what if there was another alternative?

What if there was a way to take the time off needed to not only recover fully, but to return to dancing even better than you were before the injury..? What if there was a program that let you stay in class, and helped correct all of the issues that led to the injury developing in the first place? One that would help you rehabilitate  the injury fully, as well as make it much less likely that you would ever have that issue again…?

Well, now there is!

This program really is the Ultimate Rehab Program for Dancers, as it addresses the main fears of high level dancers; The fear of losing condition in the rest of the body, falling behind your classmates, not being ready to perform even when the foot heals, and questioning if you will ever actually dance again.



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