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Workshop FAQ's
Which course is best for me? Our workshops are designed for both dance teachers and health professionals working with dancers. Whether you are a dance teacher, physiotherapist, osteopath, podiatrist, pointe shoe fitter, gymnastics coach, martial arts coach, yoga teacher, pilates instructor we have a course for you.
Can I attend a Level Two Intensive before completing the Level One Course? Due to the new format of our Level Two workshops. These Intensives can be taken as a stand alone course. However, we highly recommend you familiarise yourself with Lisa's approach before attending the course.
Do I have to be on Pointe to attend the Pointe Intensive? You do not have to be en pointe to attend this online workshop! However, if you are currently en pointe, feel free to to have your pointe shoes handy. You do not need to have a student model with you during the course, however, if you have a student or colleague that you can practice the pre-pointe assessment and pointe exercises with after each session then this will be helpful.
Do I have to demonstrate all of the exercises in the Flexibility Intensive? Please do not worry if you struggle with your own mobility. We have every element of the course filmed with demonstration students so you will not need to perform any movement that is not part of your normal repertoire. However, many teachers are delighted at just how much they effortlessly improve their mobility during the tests and exercises in this course!
What is the best course to take if I work with younger students? If you are working with dancers under the age of eight the Training Turnout in Tiny Dancers will be perfect for you. In this systematic and comprehensive approach to training turnout in young artists, Lisa and Beverly will provide you with direct techniques to use in class to safely develop optimal range and control of motion in all dance students. This course is also perfect for anyone wanting to focus on Turnout. If you are working with recreational adult ballet dancers or beginner adult ballet dancers there are some great exercises in here for them too.
Can I attend a Level Three workshop before completing the Level Two courses? To attend any of our level three workshops you will need to complete our Level Two courses prior. Either virtually, in-person or self guided.
What if I can't attend all of the live calls? It is encouraged to attend each of the live calls with Lisa. However, please do not worry if you can't make one of the call. After each call you will be sent a follow up email outlining the course content that day, plus access to a recording of the live call and unlimited access to the members area which includes over 100+ pre-recorded content.
Is there a self guided option available? To find out out more about the Self -Guided Level One Course CLICK HERE. In regards to the Level Two courses we are currently converting them into a self-guided format. Once this option is available we will send an email out to our database.
Are the workshops CEC Accredited? After this workshop, you will be emailed the CEC Accreditation Application Form, which is designed as an overview of the online course in order for you to appropriately claim CEC credits with your governing body.
Level One Dance Teacher and Therapist Training: This unique course covers a multitude of assessment and treatment techniques to individualise a dancers training. With special focusses on Postural Control, Core Stability, Flexibility, Basic Classical Technique, The Dancers Hip, Allegro, Spinal Mobility and Arabesques, it is suitable for anyone working closely with dancers.
Level Two Pointe Intensive: This course is perfect for both dance teachers, physiotherapists, podiatrists, pointe shoe fitters and other therapists working with dancers. During this workshop you will learn how; curate your own pre-pointe preparation classes, Integrate the pre-pointe assessment into your studio, conduct detailed pointe shoe fitting techniques, modify pointe shoes for certain foot types, customisation of ribbon placement and elastics, preparatory exercises for the initial progression onto pointe and discussion of many complex questions around preparing for pointe.
Level Two Online Flexibility Intensive: If you are a dance teacher, pilates instructors, gymnastics coaches, martial art instructors and therapists that are working with performance artists this is the perfect continued education course for you. During this course you will understand the multifactorial nature to flexibility training. You will also explore safe ways of assessing exactly where each individual is restricted in order to create the most effective program.
Level Three Online Flexibility Intensive on 'How to Train Extreme Mobility Safely': This workshop will help you assess your students in detail and be able to offer them effective techniques in a logical clear order to get them on the way to achieving THEIR optimal flexibility. It is also for teachers who are concerned at the extreme positions young dancers are wanting to work into, as it gives you safe guidelines on how to guide their development.
Training Turnout in Tiny Dancers: If you are dance teacher, this is the perfect continued education course for you. In this systematic and comprehensive approach to training turnout in tiny dancers, Lisa and Beverly provide dance teachers with direct techniques to use in class to safely develop optimal range and control of motion in all dance students. This program begins by establishing strength and control in parallel, before adding on the control of rotation, which is hugely important in the long term health of dancers’ hips. Using elements of fun and creative play to bring scientific and detailed training programs into dance schools is a unique and effective way to help thousands of young students worldwide.
Lisa Howell. All courses are delivered by the founder and creator of The Ballet Blog Lisa Howell. A physiotherapist with over 20 years experience of working with dancers.