Dance Educator Series

For Dance Teachers and Health Professionals

A lack of anatomical training can leave you feeling like you’re unable to give your dancers the answers they’re looking for. However we don’t think studying anatomy is the only way you can appreciate how bodies work. Preventing and managing injuries is a part of dancing, and teachers deserve to know how to create a safe environment for their dancers.

On the flip side, many therapists feel that their lack of personal dance experience in a specific genre is limiting them from helping their clients as much as they would like. 

In our Dance Educator Series we have condensed our extensive experience of working with dancers of all levels into the most usable tools for all dance educators to have on hand in a studio or clinical setting. We continually refresh and refine this work so it’s always up-to-date with current research, and is optimised for an online learning experience. We focus on keeping things fun and welcoming, pulling down the walls that too-often divide teachers and therapists.

All courses are a unique blend of pre-recorded content and live teaching, and all come with extensive resources to help apply the work with your dancers. We look forward to working with you!


Level 1 - The Fundamentals

This unique course is now available in three different formats; a live in-person three day workshop, a live online workshop delivered over a 5 week period or a self-guided option. All options give all participants six months free access to the complete Level One Online Portal with detailed videos of all tests and exercises. Also included is an invitation to attend ongoing live coaching calls as well as access to recordings of over 90 previous coaching calls.

The in-person workshop is an extraordinary three days of full on learning. A perfect blend of theory and practical, with live demonstration models and self exploration so you really "get it". A great way to get to know like-minded teachers in your area and feel empowered in your teaching right away.

The original course is now also available as an online workshop, with a combination of live teaching, pre-recorded content and personal exploration. Delivered in a 4 hour session, once a week for 5 weeks, this format is great for those who like to learn in layers, or who cannot make it to a live training.

Learn the content covered in the Level 1 Workshop in the comfort of your own home, at your own pace, with our Self Guided Option. Each module is delivered sequentially, ensuring you get the layered learning built into the design of the course. Great if you like moving at your own pace or like to learn in bite sized amounts!

Level 2 Teacher Training Intensives

The Level Two workshops dive into one specific area in detail, giving specific strategies for helping dancers excel. These workshops build on the knowledge gained in Level One, but can also be taken independedntly. These workshops are now available as online workshop, with a combination of live teaching, pre-recorded content, and personal exploration. This helps replicate the depth of learning and personal connection we feel at the in-person courses.

Each course includes; access to recordings of each online workshop, ongoing access to all pre-recorded material, assessment sheets for you to use in your studio or clinic, and the opportunity to gain CEC points from your governing body.

Deepen your mastery of the art of pre-pointe preparation, pointe assessment and beginner pointe training.

A collaboration with master teacher Beverley Spell provides a fun and engaging way of building the layers required for optimal turnout in your tiniest dancers.

Increase the awareness of the multifactorial nature to flexibility training, that everyone is different and may require different training techniques at different periods of time.

Level 3 Intensives

These higher level workshops are specifically aimed at physiotherapists, personal trainers, and other health care professionals who work closely with dancers. They may also be attended by high level dance teachers working in a one-on-one coaching environment who have completed the Level One and Level Two Intensive courses. Not only do you learn the basic principles of injury, assessment, and rehabilitation but you will get real hands-on work including taping skills, massage techniques, and manual manipulations for therapists.

Each course includes; access to recordings of each online workshop, ongoing access to all pre-recorded material, assessment sheets for you to use in your studio or clinic, and the opportunity to gain CEC points from your governing body.

This course builds on the knowledge gained in the  Level 2 Flexibility Intensive, to improve range in certain directions, then follows this up with exercises for segmental and dynamic stability of the joints to ensure their long term health.  This approach is ideal for those struggling with hypermobility as well as those wanting more range in specific areas. 

This course explores the major causes of common foot injuries, optimal rehab strategies, how to build back into class & how regular screening can prevent them. It includes taping techniques and sample rehab plans to ensure complete recovery from common injuries that often become chronic in dancers.

This course unravels the real reasons behind many chronic and common hip injuries in dancers. We explore how to identify the main contributing factors for each individual, and build out a program of progressively graded exercises to improve multidirectional stability in the hip and spine. 

Click on the images above to find more about each individual workshop.