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Pain At The Back Of The Ankle – Free PDF
How Breathing Affects your Core Stability
Turnout – Achieving Your Ultimate Turnout Range
Turnout – The Top 5 Ways to use Resistance Bands
Nancy-Marie Rigler – Dance Teacher
RAD registered teacher, PTS supervisor, former studio owner for over 30 years, Silver Swans Licensee, presently avai... -
Phillipa Condous
Attended the three day Dance Teacher and Health Professional Training in Melbourne, April 20-22, 2015 Physiotherapis... -
Flexibility – Is Over-Stretching Bad? FREE PDF
10 Tips to Ensure Successful Rehab of Your Dance Injury
Nutrition – Guidelines for a Healthy Diet
Front Splits Fast Progress Sheets
Whether you are a teacher or student you are now able to track and record your progress on our new Front Splits Fast... -
Dance Teacher Intensive Members Area Now Live!
If you have been one of the teachers or health professionals that has attended one of my two or three day intensive ... -
Dawn Cox
DAWN M. COX, MSPT, CFMT Attended the two day Dance Teacher intensive in York, PA, August 2014 Physiotherapist –... -
Tightness Behind the Knees in Young Students
Hi, my daughter has been feeling good release from the neck massage and legs were going further with more ease and ... -
#PayTheDancers – What are you worth?
This week has been enormous in so many areas of dance, but the one that captured me so much was the global issue of ... -
The Poster
This is the poster that I created to explain the process of pre pointe assessment at the International Association f... -
The Pre Pointe Questionnaire
The pre-pointe assessment starts with a questionnaire to establish the current status of each child in relation to t... -
NEW! – Live Video Calls with Lisa!
Don’t you just love it when you try something new, and something even more amazing than what you expected comes out ... -
Kirsten, Abbie and Jemima’s Workshop Story
Kirsten, Abbie and Jemima’s Workshop Story Dear Lisa. It was such a thrill to meet you at the Training Turnout... -
Should My Daughter Go Full-Time?
My daughter is 14 years old and has been pushing both her father and I in the decision to go into full-time dancing ... -
Problem Dance Teachers
My daughter often comes home in tears from ballet complaining that her teacher is picking on her and never gives her... -
Are Eisteddfods Important?
My daughter has recently started at a school where they do a lot of eisteddfod competitions. She never did this at h... -
Preparing For Rejection
I know that dancers have a tough time coping with rejection and dealing with losses at competitions. How can I help ... -
Changing Dance Schools
My daughter is feeling isolated in her new dance school. She has moved from another, smaller and friendlier school t... -
My Daughter Has A Distorted Body Image
My daughter is very thin and sees even slight lumps of skin as huge rolls of fat. How do we help her see how beautif... -
Dealing With Rejection
My daughter has been applying for companies, but nobody wants her. She has worked all her life for this and is now d... -
My Daughter Is Injured & Depressed
My daughter has been injured and been on reduced hours of dancing for several months. She is devastated and feels th... -
My Daughter Gets Bad Nerves
My daughter makes herself so nervous before she goes on stage. She is a beautiful dancer but freezes up right before... -
My Daughter Is A Perfectionist
My daughter is the ultimate perfectionist. Even when she does a flawless performance she thinks that she is terrible... -
My daughter Has Been Diagnosed With Osgood Schlatters Disease
My daughter has been diagnosed with “Osgood Schlatters Disease.” The Doctor didn’t really explain what it was, and s... -
Fatigue, Frustration and Moodiness
My daughter seems to be constantly tired and moody. She has also been getting frustrated as no matter how hard and l... -
Pre-Professional Hours
How many hours of dance should my daughter be doing each week? She is ‘pre-professional’ and is 13. She would love t... -
Young Dancers Stretching Each Other
My daughter and her friend were stretching each other the other day and some of it looked a little crazy. Should the... -
My Daughter Is Losing Flexibility
My daughter used to be really flexible but now she really struggles to get her legs above 90 degrees. What has happe... -
Young Dancers Developing Breasts
My daughter (10 years old) is starting to develop breasts and is very worried about this in ballet. All of her frien... -
Headaches & Growing
My daughter has started getting lots of headaches in the last 6 months and she is 14, we have had her eyes tested an... -
Growing Timing
My daughter is getting really worried. She is almost 14 and still hasn’t really grown much. All of her friends tower... -
Young Dancers Skipping Meals
My 13 year old daughter has always been a little on the bigger side but has recently lost a lot of weight, and seems... -
Is it true that a lot of dancers have eating disorders?
Is it true that a lot of dancers have eating disorders? I will not lie and say that eating disorders are not common... -
What is the low GI diet, and is it good for dancers?
The Glycaemic Index (GI) is a way of ranking food based on the effect they have on the glucose levels in the body. C... -
Supplements For Young Dancers
I have read a lot about athletes taking extra multi-vitamins, protein and calcium. Should my daughter be taking any ... -
My daughter seems to live on Diet Coke. Is this bad for her in the long term?
Many girls drink Diet Coke, or other soft drinks, frequently during the week. This has now become the norm, so it ma... -
Injured Dancer’s Diet
My daughter has injured her back and is off dancing at present (She is 15). She is terrified of putting on weight as... -
Food on the Go and Controlling Bloatedness
My daughter often has to grab food on the go, and is at dancing for hours on end at the weekends. What should she ea... -
What is Dysfunctional Nutrition?
While ‘Optimal Nutrition’ is manipulating an already good diet to maximize performance and recovery, and ‘Good Nutri... -
How do I help my daughter see that she has options?
“Hi Lisa, My child is 14 and is heavily into dance. A few comments have been made recently that indicate that ... -
Chelsea’s Dance Story
Chelsea’s Dance Story I have always been just off the splits and just ‘that much’ lower in grand b... -
Felicity’s Injury Story
Felicity’s Injury Story In October of 2009 I had surgery on my right anterior tib-fib ligament. My ATFL had be... -
Jen’s Dance Story
Jen’s Dance Story In 2009 I fractured my left ankle, I had to give up ballet which broke my heart. I had just ... -
Monique Feain, Alstonville & Lismore – 2008
Over the years we have had some great workshops up in the northern beaches with Monique Feain. The students are alwa... -
Faye’s Injury Story
Faye’s Injury Story At the end of 2011, I started to have pains in my lower back during arabesques and backben... -
Alison Gilmour – Office Manager
Our delightful Office Manager is another UK national who now calls Australia home. She has managed to take on the ru... -
Michelle Wong B.Sci (Psych & Physiol); M. Ex&Sci; M. Phty
Michelle started dance at the age of 4 and over 20 years has explored ballet, jazz, tap, contemporary and music thea... -
Alexandra Darnley-Stuart – BPhty (Hons) – Physiotherapist
Alexandra graduated from James Cook University in 2011 with first class honours. She was the recipient of an academi... -
Erin Riddell – (B.Phty) – Physiotherapist
Erin trained in classical ballet (BBO), tap and Jazz and has successfully competed in various competitions throughou... -
Sally Harrison (BscHons) – Senior Physiotherapist
Sally was born and educated in the United Kingdom where she began her career as a professional dancer which she purs... -
Lisa Howell (B.Phty) – Owner, Senior Physiotherapist
Lisa is the owner and creator of Perfect Form Physiotherapy. She started the practice in 2005 with the mission to cr... -
Christina’s Injury Story
After a super long hiatus from dance (completed a Masters’ in Kinesiology) I decided to gear up and take my vocation... -
An Adult Dancer Pursues Her Passion
My first memories of wanting to dance go back to about the age of 4. I don’t remember specifically how I found... -
How Dancing Helped Through Difficult Times
At the end of 2009 and the start of 2010 i had very few friends and nothing that i wanted to do, I had given up on e... -
The Value Of Online Community In Dance Education
There is a huge need for comprehensive quality dance information to educate young dancers about their bodies, to ext...